Mortgage with Late Payments

When you apply for a mortgage you expect your credit record to be scrutinised, but are you aware of what impact certain events might have on the lender’s decision?

When it comes to a missed or late payment for a loan, credit card or mortgage, for example, even if it was a genuine oversight it shows up as an adverse event. This will remain on your credit file for 6 years [1], meaning mortgage lenders will be able to see it for this whole period.

Since the credit crunch, lenders have tightened up their criteria considerably. Any missed or late payments are likely to have an impact on your credit score and what might seem like a minor issue to a borrower might carry much more weight for a lender.


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Author: Carl Shave - CEO and co-founder
Last updated: 09 Feb 2025

Can you get a mortgage with late payments?

Yes, you can. Although it may be trickier than if you had a clean credit history, with proper research and knowing which lenders to talk to, it is possible.

However, any acceptance of an application will depend on the level of arrears involved, and what they are in connection with.

For example, late payments on your mortgage instalments – being a more significant amount of money and connected with your home – will likely have a greater negative impact with a lender than the far smaller late payments associated with your mobile phone bill.

Lenders understand that, when a person is in financial trouble, their home will be the last thing they put at risk, so there could be greater troubles elsewhere.

Exactly when the late payments occurred will also be an attributing factor. If they are recent and still outstanding, they will have more of an effect on a lender’s decision. If they are historic, for example more than two years old, and you have not had any more occurrences of late payments since, they will carry less of a negative impact.

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How late payments affect your credit report

Your credit reports can often show up items that you would think of as unimportant, or so trivial that you have forgotten about them. Late payments usually fall into this category as they are often related to items that we regard as a day-to-day part of our lives, and most vital services are rarely withdrawn immediately if a bill is overdue.

Technically speaking, a late payment is one made after the due date has passed. If you are in the habit of waiting until you get the red bill for any services before paying, then you will be making late payments.

One or more late payments will show on your credit report, and anyone scrutinising the record will see a figure ‘1’ next to them, indicating the money arrived one month late. A repeated string of late payments could be interpreted by a lender as a sign of an irresponsible approach to money management and could put your chances of getting a mortgage at risk.

You’ll be relieved to know that paying a bill a couple of days late – or even a couple of weeks, in some instances – may not even show up on your credit report. However, despite this, it isn’t worth risking it.

Always aim to make payments on time and be sure to allow time for the payment to be received and processed as well. Generally three working days are recommended – especially if you expect to apply for or renew your mortgage in the next few years!

Late payments on a mortgage account are considered to be very serious. As mentioned above, when people are in financial difficulty, their mortgage payments are usually the last account to be left unpaid.

Like with any type of credit issues, the amount of late payments and the time that has passed since will play a large part. One late mortgage payment from three or four years ago will carry far less weight than a string of late payments within the past year.

If you are now up to date with your mortgage, but have previous missed payments showing on your credit record, your chances of acceptance will hinge on your overall credit rating.

If you are currently behind on your mortgage payments, your chances of being approved for a fresh mortgage deal are slim to none.

In either case, your best bet would be to get in touch with a specialist advisor to explore your options. We are able to offer free initial no obligation advice.

What can I do to improve my chances of approval?

There are a number of steps you can take to help yourself when it comes to gaining approval for a mortgage.

The first step is to know where you stand, and the way to find that out is to get a copy of your credit report from each of the three UK credit reference agencies – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

The reason it’s important to check all three and not just one is that they can hold different information, and you need to be able to see the full picture.

Next, check that your personal details are correct. If any details are incorrect, contact the agency and ask to have them amended.

If you discover a missed payment that you were unaware of – for example, if you changed mobile phone provider and a payment was missed along the way – bring that account up to date. It will still stay on your record for six years, but the fact that the account is paid looks much better than if it were not.

Finally, if any payments were made late or missed due to reasons beyond your control (for example, you were in hospital or suffered a bereavement), contact the agency or agencies concerned and ask if they are willing to add a note of correction to the file. That is something that may well play in your favour in future credit applications.

Building a better recent credit history is a great way to show lenders you are able to responsibly manage your borrowed finances.

To do so, make sure you always pay your bills on time or even early. Mark dates in your diary, set up a reminder on your phone or, better yet, set payments up on Direct Debit.

If you are not on the electoral register then you should enrol, as this is an easy step that can make a big difference.

Finally, close any unused credit accounts, like credit cards for example. If a lender sees you have lots of lines of credit, they will assume you are someone who is nervous about their finances and relying on credit.

The more missed or late payments you have on your credit record, and the more recently they occurred, the smaller the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio you are likely to be offered if accepted.

The LTV is the amount of the purchase price of the property a lender is willing to offer and can range from 95% for people with exemplary credit, down to 70% or less for those with bad credit.

The larger the deposit you are able to put down, the better your chances of acceptance. This can also improve your chances of being offered a more competitive interest rate.

Consulting the support of a broker can make the difference between being offered a mortgage or being rejected.

As well as helping you prepare your application, a mortgage broker will also have access to specialist lenders. These lenders are designed to lend to people with a bad credit history, although they aren’t always directly available to the public.

To access them you will need to use a broker that already has an established relationship with them.

What interest rates should you expect?

The interest rate you are offered won’t just depend on your credit history. Your deposit amount or how much you need to borrow will also play a large part.

If you have late payments on your credit record and an average deposit, a lender will need to offset the risk of lending to you and it is likely that they may impose a higher rate of interest.

However, if you have late payments but you can provide a larger than average deposit, for example 15–20%, there is less risk in lending to you. Therefore, a lender may be more willing to offer you a competitive product with lower rates.

It’s best to keep in mind that everyone’s application is different and that what you are offered may differ to the next person who applies.

I’m in an arrangement with my current mortgage: can I get a new mortgage?

The odds are stacked against you in these circumstances. If you are in an arrangement, then you are probably paying less each month than the mortgage was initially arranged for.

This is likely to have an ongoing adverse impact on your credit rating. Also, if you can’t afford your existing mortgage, you’ll have difficulty proving you can afford another.

Your best bet would be to get back on track with your current mortgage and take steps to repair your credit rating. Then you can look to find a new mortgage.

Having said that, everyone’s circumstances are different and there are specialist lenders who evaluate each case on its own merits. At Just Mortgage Brokers, we have an experienced bad credit team that can help. Reach out today to speak to a bad credit expert!

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Frequently asked questions: Late payments

Late payments will stay on your credit record for six years, so will potentially impact your chances of approval or the type of deal you might be offered for that length of time.

In the case of more recent late or missed payments – say within the last couple of years – it’s not that you won’t be considered, it’s more likely that you will have fewer options.

The loan-to-value ratio offered is likely to be lower and the interest rate and fees higher. Providing that your mortgage payments are currently up to date, then your overall credit rating will likely be the deciding factor.

Typically no, this will be classed as a late payment as it was made after the due date had passed. If it is noted on your credit report, it will usually have the number ‘1’ next to it, indicating that the payment was made in the month after it was due. This could still apply even if you made the payment in the same calendar month that it was due.

The good news is that if you pay a bill a few days late it might not even show up on your credit report. To know for sure, request copies of your report from the UK’s three main credit reference agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

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Carl Shave

CEO and co-founder

About the author

Carl Shave has been involved in the mortgage & finance industry since leaving education and is one of the co-founders of Just Mortgage Brokers. He has written guest posts and provided journalist comments for companies such as The Times, FT Adviser, Mortgage Strategy, Mortgage Solutions and others, demonstrating his extensive industry knowledge.   Qualifications   Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CEMAP)   Year Attained: 2001   FCA Profile

[1] Experian, Late payments and your credit score (n.d.)

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